The story of our new baby.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

How Fast they grow

I can't believe tomorrow Josh will be 10 months. It feels just like yesterday we brought him home from hospital.

He is now racing around the house on all fours and also has learnt to go up and down stairs, so yes i am on my toes all the time.

We read alot to him and he is now nearly turning pages for us. He also likes to destroy newspapers, magazines actually anything paper. He also thinks paper is part of his staple diet so i spend quite a bit of time chasing him and taking paper out of his mouth.

He just loves bath time and even helps us take his clothes off. He lifts his legs for his pants to come down and then each foot for his socks. He also lifts his hands above his head to take tops off and then sits down for nappy to come off. Way too smart our little man.....

He is now weighing as of 2 weeks ago 11.65kg so at a nice weight for his height. Above average in height, about 78cm now.

Josh eats well, pretty much what ever we give him he eats. Has started eating bananas, raisins, all fruit and veg, yogurt, scrambled eggs, cheese, toast. Actually he is a great eater.

As for sleep though, we are still battling here. He just does not want to sleep. We thought we had sorted it but again now he is up until midnight and awake again at 6ish. Makes it quite draining for me. Del has been great at night helping me settle him but doesn't seem to hear him early morning so no point both of us being awake. Hopefully one day this gets sorted as more than 5 or 6 hours sleep would be nice.

Last night he had Del and i in fits of laughter as he was going around and head butting everything from the floor to us. Not sure why but very funny.

As he now has 6 teeth he seems to think he can use them as a weapon and bites us all the time.

Well for now that is my little man's update. He is crying and ready for a bottle so must go...

Deb xo


Friday, February 23, 2007

Photo Friday

I was too tired to eat in this picture, so I just put my head down and went to sleep instead. My mummy tried to keep me awake to feed me, but I just ignored her.



Saturday, February 17, 2007

PIcs of Joshua on holiday in SA 2007

At Addo Elephant Park
At the wedding
Josh and his dad doing dishes
Josh playing games
The three of us at a view spot near Hart Bay
Josh enjoying the sun at Wilderness lakes
Josh at the Aquarium pole dancing...
Josh and Del swimming in Vic Bay

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Josh V Daddy part 2

Hi There,

Well after a shaky start i am pleased to say the My little man slept till 5.30am, up for a quick feed on the boob and out again till 9.30am.....

Yes Del and i got a sleep in......

We love you JD....

Deb xo


Friday, February 16, 2007

Photo Friday

Me pulling everything out of Ouma's draws
Me and OumaMe at Island Lake
Me at Addo Elephant Park

I have been a bit slack with this so thought i would put a few pics from our holiday in South Africa.


Joshua V Daddy

Hi All,

Del and i had rather a hard night last night. Josh has been waking up the past week every few hours, crying feeding and going back to sleep (although we think it is mainly for attention) so we decided to start the control crying thing again. So to bed he went about 9.30ish all was going well. Del and i also decided to have an early night so by about 10.30pm we also were in bed.
Now not even 10 mins later it started, we lay there for about 15 mins but then decided enough was enough and Del braved the little monster and attempted to get hi to sleep. Now it was not that easy and it ended up taking about 40 minutes for him to finally get back to sleep (i tried to help but I'm just a milk machine for him)

All the crying must of tired him out a bit as he did not wake up again until 5.30am. This time i tried, had to end up picking him up as he needed his nappy changed so i broke and fed him. He then fell asleep so i thought all was good but no sooner had i put him down in his cot and he started screaming. I tried for about 10 minutes to calm him but no good and in came Del to the rescue. It took him a further 20 mins and asleep he went again.

So approx 8am was the next wake up and up we got. So night one was hard on us all but lets hope this is the start of him sleeping through. Will keep you up dated.

Deb xo


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Backwards down the stairs

For awhile now Josh has been climbing up stairs but not able to get back down again. A few days before leaving SA he managed to climb down Ouma's back stairs head first and escape to outside. I think he became so good as once he had climbed down there was a big pot of dirt that he liked to throw everywhere.

Today 13/02/2007 he finally worked out how to actually go down the stairs backwards making life easier and safer. He spent half the morning in the pub going from stair case to stair case and just practising go up and down. So cute. I have to now watch him more than ever.

Deb xo

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More Teeth


Whilst we were away on holidays in South Africa, Joshua got 4 more teeth. His eye teeth were first and then his two front ones. Looks so cute.

The first one came through on 26th Jan 2007 (Australia Day), then a few days later came the second one and then the two front ones came on 5th of Feb 2007.

For someone who was teething he was a great baby and hardly complained. A bit of capole and cal gel seemed to do the trick.

I am still breast feeding him twice a day although with all his teeth we may have to re valuate the situation as he is starting to bite a bit.

Chat soon
Deb xo

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