How Fast they grow
I can't believe tomorrow Josh will be 10 months. It feels just like yesterday we brought him home from hospital.
He is now racing around the house on all fours and also has learnt to go up and down stairs, so yes i am on my toes all the time.
We read alot to him and he is now nearly turning pages for us. He also likes to destroy newspapers, magazines actually anything paper. He also thinks paper is part of his staple diet so i spend quite a bit of time chasing him and taking paper out of his mouth.
He just loves bath time and even helps us take his clothes off. He lifts his legs for his pants to come down and then each foot for his socks. He also lifts his hands above his head to take tops off and then sits down for nappy to come off. Way too smart our little man.....
He is now weighing as of 2 weeks ago 11.65kg so at a nice weight for his height. Above average in height, about 78cm now.
Josh eats well, pretty much what ever we give him he eats. Has started eating bananas, raisins, all fruit and veg, yogurt, scrambled eggs, cheese, toast. Actually he is a great eater.
As for sleep though, we are still battling here. He just does not want to sleep. We thought we had sorted it but again now he is up until midnight and awake again at 6ish. Makes it quite draining for me. Del has been great at night helping me settle him but doesn't seem to hear him early morning so no point both of us being awake. Hopefully one day this gets sorted as more than 5 or 6 hours sleep would be nice.
Last night he had Del and i in fits of laughter as he was going around and head butting everything from the floor to us. Not sure why but very funny.
As he now has 6 teeth he seems to think he can use them as a weapon and bites us all the time.
Well for now that is my little man's update. He is crying and ready for a bottle so must go...
Deb xo
Labels: Memorable moments