The story of our new baby.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Crawling and Standing

Josh started of his crawling experience commando style. He would pull himself accross the floor all around the room with the odd roll.
He then on the 19/12/2006 started to crawl on all fours. He now crawls around everywhere. We have had to get a gate on the lounge room doorway to stop him from getting out and wandering off. He has also learnt to stand up. His favourite is to stand in his cot and scream for attention. He pulls himself up at the TV, couch, walls, chairs basically anywhere he can. He really loves to stand but only problem is he can't get back down. Once he learns to be a bit more stable on his legs i'm sure we will have an early walking baby on our hands.

Bye for now
Deb x

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Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Lots of memorable moments

I have been slack at keeping up and boy has Josh grown and developed so uch over the past months. He is such a little boy now. So very cutr to.....Here is a brief updateof new/first tome achievements:

* Hi 5's you - 12/12/06
* Claps hands - 12/12/06
* Stands up alone in cot - 10/12/06
* Waves at you - 12/11/06(his first wave was at London airport to another little boy also called Joshua)
*Sits alone - 27/10/2006
* Says dadda properly - 24/11/06

There are lots more to write about but i will do them in seperate blogs so keep reading....

Bye for now


Sunday, December 03, 2006

First Tooth

Yay, Josh now has his first tooth. It came through on the 24th of November 2006 and the second one is on its way!

